Johannesburg Members Go Country With Dinner Dance
SOUTH AFRICA—Singles and seniors in the Johannesburg congregation hosted …

SOUTH AFRICA—Singles and seniors in the Johannesburg congregation hosted an informal event on June 29, attracting about 35 cowboy-hat-and-checkered-shirt-wearing members to the congregation’s first country-themed dance.

Music consisted of carefully selected country music mixed with traditional South African music.

“The country theme contributed to a relaxing and enjoyable evening,” Orka Fleetwood, who helped with hall decorations, said. “The music was well selected, and it was great fun taking part and watching the line dances.”

“My husband and I enjoyed ourselves immensely at the dance,” Stephani Bothma said. “The light and hearty fellowship drew us closer to our brethren, while enjoying a feast of comfort foods. The variety of music that was played helped us laugh at ourselves and drew us closer together as a couple, especially when songs reserved for couples were played.”

The warm food on the tables contrasted against the chilly weather outside. Single Ghina Trietsch, who coordinated the meal, said that thanks to teamwork and zeal, the task was “most enjoyable. Everyone worked in the spirit of giving and made the food department a real success. In the end, the food was enjoyable in every detail.”

Members of the Johannesburg congregation have shared formal dinner dances in the past, but the country theme this time around provided a more relaxed atmosphere.

“The dance was tremendously fun for young and old,” Clive Jordan said. “We enjoyed it immensely as a family—both physical and spiritual family.”

Divan Muller