Jesus Upheld the Old Testament
Many Christians believe the Old Testament is not an integral part of the Holy Scriptures.

They think it is only a collection of Jewish literature. Ironically, most Jews reject the New Testament and consider only the Old Testament holy. Consequently, neither Christians nor Jews, as a whole, really understand the Bible.

1. What fundamental truth did Jesus tell us about Himself? John 14:6. Where are the prophecies about His life found? John 5:39.

Notice that Jesus pointed to “the scriptures.” The only sacred writings that the Jews possessed that foretold the coming of the Messiah were the books of the Old Testament. Here, Jesus validates them as Scripture. He also cited the Old Testament as a true and reliable source of history.

2. Did Jesus agree with the very first sentence in the Old Testament? Mark 13:19; Revelation 3:14.

Jesus confirmed that He created all things. (See also Colossians 1:15-16.) The word beginning in Revelation 3:14 refers to the active cause or prime source of the creation.

3. Did Christ suppose that the first humans evolved, or did He acknowledge that Adam and Eve were created? Matthew 19:4. Compare Genesis 1:27; 5:2.

4. Did Jesus mention Adam and Eve’s son Abel? Matthew 23:35.

Jesus not only confirmed Abel’s existence, but He referred to his righteousness as well. Also discussed in this verse is the murder of Zechariah, son of Barachias (or Berechiah, as the New King James Version renders it). Undoubtedly, this refers to the prophet of the Old Testament, whose father was Berechiah (Zechariah 1:1).

5. Did Jesus acknowledge Noah’s ark and the Flood? Matthew 24:37-39. How about the account of Sodom and Gomorrah? Luke 17:28-29, 32

Jesus gave personal testimony of the Flood! He corroborated its history, alluded to its causes and reiterated the universal death—except for Noah and his family—that occurred. He also validated the veracity of the Old Testament’s account of Sodom and Gomorrah as recorded in Genesis 19.

6. Did Jesus attest to Abraham’s existence? John 8:37. Did He recognize Abraham’s son and grandson—Isaac and Jacob? Matthew 8:11.

7. Did Christ make any reference to the Prophet Moses? John 5:46-47.

Jesus was speaking to Jews who wanted to kill Him (verses 16, 18), and He rebuked them because they did not believe what Moses prophesied about Him in the Old Testament Scriptures.

8. Did Jesus verify that King David lived? Matthew 12:3. Did He identify King Solomon too? Verse 42.

The scriptures we have just reviewed prove that Jesus Christ believed and accepted the testimony of the Old Testament as absolutely authoritative! And He had good reason to. He was the God of the Old Testament and saw all the events chronicled in its writings. (See 1 Corinthians 10:1-4. Also compare John 8:58 with Exodus 3:14.)

9. What did the Apostle Paul tell us about the Scriptures? 2 Timothy 3:15-16.

Writings are considered Scripture if they are inspired by God or, more correctly, “God-breathed.” When Paul wrote, the only “scriptures” in existence were the books of the Old Testament. The New Testament was not completed. Paul taught that all Scripture is to be used to establish doctrine, correct false beliefs or errant behavior, and instruct and train in righteousness!

The New Testament refers to the Old Testament about 250 times. We cannot accept the New Testament without recognizing the authority of the Old. The two do not contradict; rather they complete each other. The Bible is one complete book.

10. What did Isaiah prophesy concerning God’s Word? Isaiah 40:8. Was this repeated in the New Testa­ment? 1 Peter 1:25. What did Jesus prophesy regarding His words? Matthew 24:35; Mark 13:31; Luke 21:33.

Remember that Jesus Christ—God in the flesh—was also the God and Spokesman of the Old Testament, although it was the Father who directed what Jesus spoke (John 14:10). And God promised in both the Old and New Testaments that His words would be preserved. That is a divine, unbreakable promise of a God who cannot fail!