Be Interested in Others
If you desire to make others happy, happiness will in turn come to you.

Recently I read a quote from Viscount William Jowitt, an Englishman who was made a peer in 1945 and later became lord chancellor. “The secret of a happy life,” he wrote, “is to be as interested in other people and in their problems as you are your own.” In other words, if you desire to make others happy, happiness will in turn come to you.

We live in a world engulfed in materialism and selfishness, with no great concern for others. Society has, in the main, ceased to be tolerant, kind and truly concerned for the welfare of all. In our modern godless society, you can find every base act and foul crime imaginable.

It is a rare person today who still has the sensitivity to be moved and shocked into a sense of abhorrence by what is taking place. The sin of indifference abounds in society today. Most people don’t care; they don’t “sigh and cry” for what is happening as Ezekiel 9:4 says. They do not want to be disturbed by facts. Millions today are filled with indifference toward the welfare of their country and neighbors—anyone but themselves.

People watch a violent act being committed on the streets of a city, ignoring the victim’s pleas for help. Indifference is a deadly cancer corrupting the entire world. It is a product of selfishness—which is sin.

Notice how this sin affects the Church. Read Matthew 24:12. People have become spiritually indifferent. They have become Laodicean. We should be sighing and crying because many have turned away. Revelation 3:14-18 show that God’s Church has become lukewarm. This is a great warning for each of us holding on to the faith once delivered (Jude 3).

We must ensure that we do not become self-satisfied, complacent or lethargic—showing general indifference to our spiritual lives and our spiritual responsibilities. Notice Hebrews 10:26-29. There is an unpardonable sin! We must not coexist with sin. We must not compromise with sin! Take a realistic approach to how you conduct your life.

I want to give you several points to ensure you do not become indifferent in your personal life of overcoming (Revelation 3:21).

1. Contrast the world’s way with God’s way.

Face reality. The world is on a course of self-destruction in every facet of society, particularly in Israel: poor leadership, greed, corruption, poverty, sickness, corrupted marriage and broken-down families. Contrast Satan’s world to God’s society, which is coming very soon.

2. Be deeply thankful.

Give God thanks daily for your calling. Appreciate God’s way of life, God’s Church, His truth, His plan of salvation. This leaves no room for indifference. Read Ephesians 5:20 and 1 Timothy 6:17.

3. Abhor all evil.

Do not be content to live with your sins. They deprive you and your family of deep happiness. Get stirred up about making the changes you know you need to make. Ask God to give you His attitude toward sin.

4. Pray daily for Christ’s return.

We have the solution to the world’s ills. We have been set free from spiritual ignorance. Pray that soon the knowledge of God will fill the Earth (Isaiah 11:9). God’s truth will set the world free (John 8:32).

5. Do your part in God’s Work.

We have a driving goal to back and support God’s commission (Revelation 10:11). Do not become indifferent. Bury yourself in our Father’s business as Christ did (Luke 2:49). Become “on fire,” filled with zealous concern for others. Let the outgoing, warm, compassionate love of God flow out of your heart and mind through the Holy Spirit God has given you (Romans 5:5). Sigh and cry over the misery and suffering of a world without God’s truth (Ezekiel 9:3-6).

Use these points to gain greater vision and greater purpose. Ensure that you cast down thoughts of indifference and embrace real concern for others. As Viscount Jowitt wrote, “The secret of a happy life is to be as interested in other people and in their problems as you are your own.”

Think on these things.