Gerald Flurry on Armstrong College
Students at Herbert W. Armstrong College prove for themselves that the Bible is the infallible authority of God Himself.

What human beings can achieve with their minds is absolutely dazzling. God created us, and He endowed us with brilliant, highly capable minds. So surely He must have also provided some instruction in how to use them successfully.

Yes, He did—in His Word, the Holy Bible.

The Bible is the foundation of all knowledge. You can prove that for yourself. You don’t have to doubt that, and you need not be disturbed by anyone who says otherwise.

Students at Herbert W. Armstrong College prove for themselves that the Bible is the infallible authority of God Himself. The Bible isn’t speculation. It is God speaking to us! And when a person really begins to understand that, it brings security and wonder into his or her life.

This college is patterned after a college that Herbert W. Armstrong founded. Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong fell in love with the Bible. We teach our students to fall in love with the Bible. We have a vision—prophesied in Scripture—of the time when the whole world will fall in love with the Bible and with the Creator God who is revealing this awesome knowledge to us.

As Mr. Armstrong worked to establish Ambassador College as a revolutionary, character building institution, he said he had to fight and bleed to keep it from failing. Even many people in the college itself thought it would fold. It’s not easy in this world to establish a college that believes that the Word of God is the foundation of all knowledge. Such an epic undertaking is certain to encounter a lot of resistance.

The Prophet Isaiah foresaw how ugly and terrible our world would become. He knew people would be abusing and disastrously misusing the powerful minds God gave us. But he also prophesied that, thankfully, this would change. The trickle of biblical knowledge and godly truth in the world today is going to break out into a geyser and multiply exponentially—until this whole world is as full of the truth as the ocean beds are full of water! That is going to happen very soon—it’s on the horizon!

Right now, Herbert W. Armstrong College students are drinking in that pure, rejuvenating knowledge. And soon, people all over the world will be learning the same revitalizing truth of the Bible from colleges like this—worldwide.