Know Your Bible: Is This God’s World?
How could God allow this world to be such an evil place?

Have you ever started watching a movie toward the end of it? Undoubtedly, you had a hard time picking up what was happening. But had you seen the entire movie from the beginning, everything would have made a lot more sense.

That is exactly how it is with our world. “We were born into this … world as it is. We take it for granted. But we can’t explain it,” Herbert Armstrong wrote, on page 137 of his book Mystery of the Ages. “It’s like viewing a movie at a point already near the end.”

Think of all the wars, the political revolutions, and the terrorism man has faced in his days on Earth. Think of all those who live under cruel dictators—or the millions who live with illiteracy, poverty, starvation and filth.

Even in the civilized world, think of the perverse and hardened criminals who roam the streets. News of rapes, burglaries, cold-blooded murders, kidnappings, divorce, broken homes and abandoned children fills the papers and the evening news.

Think of all the disasters that humanity regularly faces—floods, earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, droughts—all of which cause suffering and even death for thousands.

Why does God allow so much violence and human suffering? If God is a God of love, as the Bible says, then why does He allow these terrible things to happen?

To answer these questions, we have to understand how this “movie”—the world you live in—began. The only way to do this would be if we had a time machine of sorts.

Well, the Bible is like a time machine. Through it, we can see the beginning of the “movie” of human history. It is the true, inspired word of God. It reveals the answers to why the world is the way it is. Be sure to get your Bible, a pen and some paper, so you can read and write out the Bible verses that answer these questions.

God’s Plan for the Angels

God originally had created angels before He brought the material universe into existence. These angels were created “to aid [God] in the work of creating, governing and managing what was to be created …. Angels were created to be ministers, agents, helpers in God’s creation” (ibid; page 61; emphasis added).

These angels were created instantaneously in perfect beauty and splendor—the epitome of God’s perfect creation being the great cherub Lucifer.

1. Upon Earth’s creation, what did the angels (called here “sons of God” and “morning stars”) do? Job 38:4-7.

Though a beautiful and marvelous creation, Earth was created unfinished. Imagine baking a cake. Though the body of the cake might be thoroughly done, the cake is not truly complete until you put the icing on. That is the way God’s creation was. God created it that way, to give the angels a part in beautifying it.

But God could not yet trust these free moral agents with the endless expanse of space: These beings were totally free to make their own choices. He had to prove them on a small testing ground.

That testing ground was Earth.

God gave the great archangel Lucifer a throne to administer God’s government on the Earth and stationed angels there under him. Lucifer would rule over these angels, ensuring they beautified the planet—putting the icing on the cake.

2. Did Lucifer and his angels fulfill this purpose, or did they rebel—causing a war in heaven? Isaiah 14:12-15; Ezekiel 28:15-16; Revelation 12:7-9.

Lucifer led a violent rebellion against his Creator God, His law and His government—trying to throw Him off His throne. Lucifer and his rebels did not prevail against God’s armies, however, and they were thrown back down to Earth where God assigned them in the first place.

3. Was destruction brought to the Earth because of this war? Did God have to renew the face of the Earth? Genesis 1:2; Psalm 104:30.

The Earth and the entire universe, once beautiful, had become a disaster area. At that time, God realized He was the only Being who could be trusted never to sin.

Since God was the only Being who could be trusted never to sin—the only Being who could be fully trusted to administer His government throughout the universe, to beautify that creation—He decided the only way to accomplish His plans for creation would be to make more beings like Himself—more Gods.

And that is why God created man on this Earth.

God’s Plan for Man

Though man was created for the same reason as the angels—to beautify and finish God’s creation—his potential went far beyond that. Man was given the potential to be an actual God being, ruling under God in His family. Yet he was also made of material flesh, so if he did decide to live a life of sin and rebellion and remained unrepentant, God could erase him from existence. The portion of the angels who did not repent still have eternal life, and God could not risk this happening with potential God beings—God doesn’t want another Lucifer on His hands.

1. Did God say that human beings could actually be a part of His Family? 1 John 3:1-2. Did God say that humans actually have the potential to be “Gods”? Psalm 82:6; John 10:34.

But man had one more purpose, the knowledge of which is vital for understanding why the world is in its present, chaotic state. By qualifying to be a member of God’s Family, man would also qualify to restore God’s government to the planet—to replace the already-existing government on Earth!

2. Did Lucifer have a throne? Isaiah 14:13.

Though Lucifer and his angels were cast back down to Earth, God did not revoke their authority. Satan was still Earth’s ruler. He still had his throne. At this point, it was not God’s world!

It was to be God’s world, though, through man. Adam and Eve, directly created and taught by God, had the chance to make this world God’s world—had they chosen God’s way over Satan’s.

3. What kinds of trees did God cause to grow in the Garden of Eden? Genesis 2:8-9. What instructions did God give Adam regarding these trees? Verses 15-17.

Adam and Eve were given a choice, represented by two trees in the garden: to rely on God and His power, and thus eventually gain eternal life (represented by the tree of life, appropriately named), or to rely on themselves for knowledge, without power or help from God, to carry on a purely temporary existence—a way not leading to eternal life, but death.

If man had chosen God’s way in the Garden of Eden, he would have received God’s power—His Holy Spirit—working in conjunction with his mind to grow and develop God’s character over his lifetime, thus restoring God’s government to Earth.

4. Did Adam and Eve choose God’s way in the Garden of Eden? Genesis 3:1-6. Because of their decision, did God cut off access to the tree of life? Verses 23-24; Isaiah 59:2.

The first two humans essentially told God they wanted independence from Him and His way. But by doing so, they actually fell prey to Satan! Far from becoming independent, they were kidnapped—captured by him.

5. Was Satan, therefore, still known as the “god of the world?” 2 Corinthians 4:4. Does he influence and deceive the inhabitants of the world? Ephesians 2:2; Revelation 12:9.

Satan, as the “prince of the power of the air” and deceiver of the whole world, has held sway over mankind for nearly 6,000 years since Adam and Eve.

Here is the answer to the question posed in the title of this article: This is not God’s world. This is Satan’s world. The suffering, the crime, the disease, has all been caused by Satan, allowed by God, to fulfill His overarching purpose. Because of Adam’s rebellion, God wanted man to learn, by his suffering throughout the years, that humans are helpless without God.

Now, why punish nearly all of mankind for the mistake of the first parents? Because Adam and Eve chose a lifestyle apart from God. That lifestyle was passed on to their children; then they taught it to their children, and so on. All the while, man was held captive in a world swayed and deceived by Satan.

The Last Days

But the loving, merciful Creator God—who wants every human being eventually to be born into His Family (which is His overall purpose for creating human life)—will end man’s suffering.

1. Did Christ warn that the existence of all human life would be threatened in the last days? Matthew 24:21-22. Did Christ say He would intervene? Verse 22.

Just when man is about to annihilate himself using all the mega-destructive weapons of modern warfare, God will finally intervene on a worldwide scale, remove Satan from his throne, and usher in a time of peace and harmony where He rules with His saints on His throne (Revelation 3:21).

2. How long is this time of peace? Revelation 20:4.

For 1,000 years, humanity will live free from Satan’s deception under the rule of Jesus Christ, the “King of kings,” and those saints called out of Satan’s world today. Then mankind, living a life of obedience to his Creator, will experience the rich blessings of that way, living in a time free from suffering. After this Millennium, all those who ever lived—and died, victims of Satan’s world—will be resurrected and given an opportunity to be a part of God’s plan for all mankind.

This world will be God’s world soon. Prepare now to be a part of it!