You Have an Office in God’s House
God is preparing an incredible future position for you.

Jesus Christ said, “Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many [offices]: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you” (John 14:1-2).

Jesus Christ is telling us the way to keep our hearts from being troubled. That doesn’t mean we won’t ever have negative, depressing thoughts—we have to battle there. But these verses give us the ultimate way to keep ourselves untroubled, and that is by putting our focus on the “Father’s house.”

Where is the Father’s house? In the Millennium, it will be the temple in Jerusalem. But Christ was talking about a time beyond the Millennium, because the office we hold in the Millennium will carry over into eternity! Revelation 3:12 says we will “go no more out” of that temple. We will work from the Father’s house forever!

The temples that men of God have built have been patterned after the heavenly temple. Ezra 8:29 talks about “the chambers of the house of the Lord.” Jeremiah 35:2 talks about chambers, or offices, in that house. Jeremiah 36:10 talks about “the chamber of Gemariah,” which shows that he had a certain rank and an office in God’s house equal to that rank. 1 Kings 6:5 refers to those chambers in Solomon’s temple—offices all around the temple.

The Father’s house is being built in heaven. It will be brought to Earth with new Jerusalem after there is no more flesh on Earth. That will be a time when there are only spirit beings, after the Last Great Day.

The new Jerusalem will be filled with real offices! We will live and work in that beautiful, fabulous, magnificent house forever with our Father and our Husband!

Christ said He would go and “prepare a place for you”you, individually! (John 14:3). You need to take this personally! God will ensure we each have a place—an appropriate office. God’s house is being built around the personnel Jesus Christ has! The place each of us occupies will depend on what we do. We will be rewarded according to our works and what we have done to help God’s Work. It really is that practical. Think about this carefully as you help God’s Work.

Revelation 21:1-4 describe that future temple: “And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them [on this Earth], and be their God. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.”

This is the kind of office God is preparing for us now as we work! He has been preparing offices for all of the firstfruits throughout the ages. Your office will match your overcoming and conquering, and God holds you accountable according to what talents you have. That is a very fair deal.

As 1 Corinthians 15:41 says, the stars differ in glory. So will our future glory differ according to our works. Our glory will match how much our heart was in God’s Work.

Your eternal glory is far more important than anything in this world. Don’t get caught up in physical beauty or things. The beauty you want to devote your passion to is this eternal beauty! This is what Jesus Christ wrapped His mind in. It was everything to Him!

Christ also said in John 14:3, “… I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.” He will receive you—each one of you.

The whole creation plan was reorganized after Lucifer rebelled. The entire universe plan then focused on the creation of man! God’s sons are now on center stage.

The whole creation—everything you see—will be reorganized around God’s house! It will extend out into the universe. Never again will we witness the depravity we see on Earth today. Earth will be headquarters for all eternity.

The greatest tragedy ever is to turn your back on this future!

Christ is talking about the Father’s house. You are a potential son, and God has given you the right to be born into the Family of God and reside right there in your Father’s house!

We must keep this focus the way the Logos had it. The Word was made flesh, and throughout His time on Earth He continually pointed to the Father, and how the Father was opening up His Family to humankind. This is a message about the Family of God! This is a message about your Father! We have to get beyond Jesus Christ in that sense and realize we are sons of God! And we’re going to be in our Father’s house for eternity.

To be called in this age is the most dazzling, wonderful opportunity a human being could ever have! If people who have known the Father fail to recognize that, that is a horrible tragedy.

Jesus Christ is trying to hammer this truth into our minds so we will never lose it! He is trying to build His love into us so we will root out our vanity and rebellion, devote ourselves to His Work, and stay with Him to the end!

Our offices in God’s house are more real than the rooms in our physical houses. A weather disaster could destroy your physical house—but your office in God’s house can never be destroyed if you remain loyal to God.

Thank God every day for being a son of God and the Bride of Christ! There is absolutely nothing to compare with that.