Appreciation: A Godly Trait
Here is how to develop the habit of appreciation.

“Thank you!” “Nice job!” “Well done!” “Good try!” Those words sound wonderful, don’t they? Sure, they make you feel good. And it makes others feel good when you express warm, sincere appreciation.

Why then is it so difficult for people today to express true appreciation?

Expressing sincere appreciation can encourage and motivate others. It can even inspire greater spiritual growth. That is real power!

One dictionary definition of appreciation is “sensitive awareness.” Are you as sensitively aware as you should be?

Appreciating God

The place to begin learning to show real appreciation is in your personal relationship with your Creator.

How sensitively aware are you of God’s loving concern for you? God is the most positive being in the universe, cheering us on to qualify for His soon-coming Kingdom. Does God receive the praise from you He deserves? If not, then you especially need to continue reading.

God, after all, is the greatest giver. James 1:17 tells us that “every good gift and every perfect gift” is from Him. Without that awareness—without that deep appreciation of God and what He is doing—we cannot express proper appreciation to others.

Living the Way of Giving

Satan the devil is determined to destroy all potential for oneness between you and your Father in heaven. That fiendish goal has driven him to broadcast his message of deception to humanity for almost 6,000 years. Part of that deception is the idea that we are self -sufficient, complete, in need of nothing. That was the basis of his attack on Eve in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3:1-5).

Of course, the exact opposite is true. We need God and we need other humans. That is right—we need each other! Read 1 John 4:12: “… If we love one another, God dwelleth in us, and his love is perfected in us.” A proof that God’s character is being perfected in us is our love for one another.

Are you proving your love for God by the way you live your life? Does God see you building strong, caring relationships with others? Does God see you nourishing those around you with sincere admiration and praise? If He does, that proves that you are responding to God’s message, not Satan’s.

All of this is part of the way of giving, the basis of God’s message to humanity. Simply stated, God wants us to believe and practice Acts 20:35: “… It is more blessed to give than to receive.”

Of course, it is crucial that you have something to give. With the help of God, you do. When you express your appreciation to another person, you are giving something very important (Proverbs 12:25; 16:24). Make sure you are not carelessly withholding it.

The admonition of 1 Thessalonians 5:11 offers the same message: “Wherefore comfort yourselves together, and edify one another, even as also ye do.”

God is clearly telling us it is important to be aware of the effort and success of those around us. There is power in that sort of recognition. It can inspire a person to try harder.

In order for you to be sensitive to others, you must have a spiritual awareness. It has much to do with what you think about. Do you think only about yourself and your interests?

“Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things” (Philippians 4:8).

Set your mind on praise! Doing this would surely help us be more aware of others.

In verse 9, Paul instructs us to follow his example. We can see his fine example by reading 2 Thessalonians 1:4, where he gives generous praise. Paul not only complimented the brethren’s past behavior, he expressed confidence in their future submission to God. He knew this honest praise would greatly encourage them to work and yield even more.

You have that same ability to inspire other people.

Praising Good in Others

Developing the habit of appreciation is not impossible, with God’s help. Begin by praying for God’s inspiration—ask Him to convict you that showing appreciation is needed. Ask for God’s help in learning to show your feelings of appreciation.

Don’t forget: Unexpressed appreciation is powerless!

You won’t become aware of others unless you change your way of thinking to the way of give. As Philippians 2:4 says, “Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.” It will take God’s help for you to do this—the carnal mind is not naturally concerned with the good of others. It is a part of developing the mind of Jesus Christ (verse 5).

It will also take one more thing: work. New habits are not established easily. You must work to become aware of situations where showing appreciation is possible and desirable, and exercise God’s giving attitude by doing so.

If you are not providing a positive, supportive, enthusiastic environment where generous appreciation is freely shown, you need to pray, think about it and work to change.

When the Kingdom of God is established on Earth, the saints will take office with the newly coronated Jesus Christ (Zechariah 14:4-5). The King of kings will institute His way of life—the way of peace—the way of give—all around the world. God’s children are to have a part in administering that government (Revelation 3:11-12).

Are you ready for that? Are you developing God’s character and mind now? Are you learning to inspire and encourage people? Appreciation will be an important means of promoting spiritual growth in the lives of humans in God’s Kingdom. Are you learning how important it is to express appreciation?

If you are, you will one day be privileged to hear the most beautiful words of appreciation from our very positive, encouraging Father: “Well done, thou good and faithful servant” (Matthew 25:21).