Louisiana Congregations Host Silent Auction
Members bid on donated goodies, spiced oatmeal raisin cookies.

LOUISIANA—The Hammond and Leesville congregations held their first silent auction fundraiser on December 10 at the home of Thomas and Arnita Molden to raise funds for the Philadelphia Church of God aircraft fund. Nineteen members, including Local Church Elder Sam Baxter, attended the event.

Local member Jewell Beck, who donated oranges and lemons harvested from her fruit trees, said, “It was especially exciting to watch how the Eternal worked everything out. We had beautiful weather, much laughter, and participation from the brethren to make the fundraiser a success.”

Members were entertained by enthusiastic bidding back and forth on a variety of items, including a bag of goodies donated by a local store and a plate of Mrs. Shawn Lord’s homemade spiced oatmeal raisin cookies. The total raised from the event was $710.