Johannesburg Children and Seniors Close a Gap of Two Generations
South African young and old golf together.

SOUTH AFRICA—Five seniors and nine children from the Johannesburg congregation played at the adventure golf course at Stoneridge Center on March 22.

The scenic course included trees, flowers and man-made water streams along the way. Seniors laughed as children searched for their balls among the patches of ground cover.

Senior Jennifer Seller said that the golfing “was very enjoyable and entertaining and proved that old and young can have fun and fellowship together.”

Youths Elizabeth and Hope Githembe and Zeo Smith said they enjoyed the Putt-Putt, and John-Daniel Smith said, “It was a great place, and I would like to go there again soon.”

Seller said the experience made her think of the World Tomorrow, when “children will play in the street, and old people alike.”

After the game, everyone made their way to the Githembe residence for a meal.