Trumpet website updates home page
New page gives users better introduction to

EDMOND— staff launched a new home page on the morning of October 30. Executive editor Stephen Flurry drew attention to the update in a Trumpet Brief e-mail, saying that the home page includes a primer for first-time visitors, gives a better sense of which posts are the most important, and better helps users explore the ever-expanding content beyond the home page.

Over the past year, the Trumpet staff has invested more energy and time in In late 2016, the Edstone office took on responsibilities for managing the site and devoted more manpower to it, producing roughly three times as many articles and videos as before. In March, the entire site was completely updated after working with a professional firm for more than a year.

In recent months, managing editor Brad Macdonald led another redesign that focused on just the home page. Headquarters art department supervisor Steve Hercus developed the design, which was then implemented by information services manager Patrick Hogan.


Listen to Mr. Stephen Flurry discuss the latest redesign of theTrumpet.comhome page in the October 30 episode of the Trumpet Daily Radio Show.