Children Contribute to Congregational Fundraiser With Lemonade

On July 30, Philadelphia Church of God members from the Brunswick, Maine, congregation gathered at the home of deacon Gerry Frederick to participate in an annual summer fundraiser, a garage sale, to replenish congregational funds, with any extra going toward the fall fundraiser later in the year.

Many of the members brought items from their own homes that were no longer used or needed, items including vintage antiques, furniture, kids toys and clothes. The children made a lemonade stand and sold $20 worth of lemonade to customers looking to quench their thirst from the sun.

The previous day, Preaching Elder Victor Vejil encouraged brethren to pray for the garage sale, especially since it was forecasted to rain. He emphasized the fact that everyone’s contribution mattered to the success of the fundraiser. Not only was the sky blue, but by the end of the sale at around 2 p.m., the congregation made over $700.